

Here you can find some awesome quotes to kickstart your day, good luck!
An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity
Good Luck
‘And when do you plan to realize your dream?’ the Master asked his disciple. ‘When I get the chance to do it,’ he replied. The Master responded, ‘The opportunity never arrives. The opportunity is already here.’
Good Luck
You are not your thoughts, you are the one who observes those thoughts
You are not your thoughts
We're supposed to do nice things for others
The Ancient Magus' Bride | E14 - Looks breed love
You're free to do whatever you want
The Ancient Magus' Bride | E14 - Nothing venture, nothing have. II
With great power comes great responsibility
Spider-Man 2 | 0:35:45
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